Wednesday, March 30, 2011

News Flash: Food & Gas Costs Soaring! However, You Can Do Something Now...

Just this last week, food prices surged 1.6% in one day!
Watch this:

Would you like to slash you food and gas costs? Do you know of others who would? Find out what you really can do about it and make extra income by just sharing how people can totally eliminate their grocery and gas expenses. Everyone needs that in this economy. How would that change your life if you could shop for free? Call us today!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Little MPB Today Review

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Share this blog with others who you know. If they have expenses of $500 to $800, which the average family spends on groceries and other household sundries and neccessities alone plus gas expenses, they need to know about MPB Today. How wonderful it would be if they were able to get $200 Walmart/Sam's gift cards & cash over and over again each month!

Be a blessing by paying it forward.

Thank you,
Stephen & Donna

Important Video: Welcome to "Slash Food Bills" Blog


Thanks for visiting. Food and gas costs are sky rocketing out of sight! Gas could go as high as $5.00 at the pump this summer according to predictions. And when gas goes up, food prices go up!

There is an answer, and it's so simple. We'd like to share the video below with you that will explain a little about MPB Today. It is the fastest growing company in network marketing industry today in North America. Over 60,000 families in the US and Canada have joined since last summer and are benefiting from this little known, non-governmental program as a way to slash their expenses every single month, and there are no auto-drafts and no risk!

Watch this little video that will give you a thumbnail overview. It is amazing, fun, and so easy to do. Some families haven't spent any out-of-pocket cash for groceries and gas in months. Take a look and then call us. It's well worth a few minutes of your time.

Thanks, and have a great day,
Stephen & Donna Kudabeck
1-888-771-7311-toll free