Thursday, June 9, 2011

High Grocery prices Getting You Down?

Wow, food costs are going up and up. There is an answer for high grocery prices that we have found to be so great. If you would like to get you gas and groceries FREE, give us a call. We have an simple home based business that's a real no-brainer.

Have a great day,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tracking Inflation...

JIM LEHRER: Now, inflation.
The government's latest figures show prices made the biggest jump in any 12-month period since October 2008. But when gas and food are added, inflation feels even higher to most Americans. And that presents a dilemma for the Federal Reserve.

NewsHour economics correspondent Paul Solman reports as part of his ongoing coverage on making sense of financial news.As part of his continuing coverage of Makinul Solman reports on the growing rate of inflation and how Americans are dealing with the extra costo the government's latest figures, prices made the biggest jump in any 12-month period since October 200

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

Inflation: Food and Fuel Prices Escalating in Biggest Jump

Consumers continued to feel the pinch at grocery stores and gasoline stations in April as higher prices pushed up a widely used index of inflation to the fastest 12-month pace since the later part of 2008, according to government figures released yesterday.

The Labor Department said the consumer price index, the most widely used measure of inflation, was up 0.4 percent in April from March, and up 3.2 percent from a year earlier.

The 12-month figure represents the biggest jump in the index in any 12-month period since October 2008.

Analysts had forecast the same monthly rise but a slightly smaller increase for the year, at 3.1 percent.

Food and gasoline price rises accounted for most of the increases, with gasoline accounting for almost half of the month-to-month rise...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where's the Highest Prices for Gas? Chicago may Be the Highest...

Some Chicagoans are heading to the suburbs to fill up their tanks, as gas prices continue to climb in the city limits.
According to the latest Lundberg Survey of fuel prices, Chicago has the highest gas prices in the contiguous United States. While the average price of gas reportedly rose by 12 cents in the past two weeks, Chicago is well above the national average--paying about $4.27 per gallon.
Many Chicagoans are paying more than that, however. reports that a Northwest Side BP station is charging $4.69 per regular gallon, and prices remain in the $4.30-$4.50 range throughout much of the city.
“That's why I'm only putting 10-bucks in here and then going up to the suburbs in Lake County and put the rest, that's my plan right now,” Chicagoan Mark Jacobsen told Fox Chicago.
Prices in the suburbs range from $4.07 per gallon at the Costco station in Melrose Park to the $4.20 range in some southwest suburbs, according to
President Obama discussed the issue of high gas prices in his weekly address, and told donors in Los Angeles that prices at the pump have quite an impact on his polling numbers.
"These gas prices are killing you right now," Obama said at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, acknowledging that many Americans can't afford new fuel-efficient cars and must drive older models.. For some, he said, the cost of a fill-up has all but erased the benefit of the payroll tax holiday that he and congressional Republicans agreed on last December.

Wow!!! Those prices are staggering! Check out to discover a way out to save big that's pretty easy to do since you shop and get gas anyway. You just have to tell people about it.  Do you like to share things with your friends that you enjoy using and that save you money? Most people do that everyday just in conversation. This is one of those things that you won't want to keep to yourself, and we'll help you. Give it a look. You'll be so happy you did.
God bless,

No End in Sight for Rising Fuel Prices! Want an Answer?

As Wausau's Jeff Foster stood at the pump beside his Chevy Suburban and watched the final bill climb ever upward and into triple digits, he had just one word for today's gasoline prices: frustrating.
Near-record prices for a gallon of regular unleaded gas are fueling the indignation of local residents such as Foster, who said he logs up to 1,000 miles each week as an orthodontist traveling between his company's offices in Medford, Stevens Point, Rhinelander and Wausau.
"It's frustrating because I don't see an end in sight," said Foster, 33, as he filled his tank in Rib Mountain.
This week, the cost of a gallon of regular gas climbed above $4 at many Wausau-area gas stations -- up 40 cents from one month ago, more than $1 higher than in 2010 and flirting with the record of $4.11 per gallon in 2008, according to the Automobile Association of America, or AAA.
The price for diesel fuel is even higher than that of regular unleaded, but the $4.15-per-gallon that Ralph Jackson paid at the Rib Mountain BP station is nearly 30 cents cheaper than he paid in New York two days ago. Even though he's budgeting more for fuel, hauling mostly frozen and fresh food from the East Coast to the Rockies, the $400-plus he paid for 100 gallons Friday still stung... Read the whole thing HERE.
There is an answer to all this. You can get your gas and food with by getting $200 Walmart gift cards plus receive checks over and over again throughout every month. That's what we do, And, as Baby Boomers, that is such a tremendous help to make our budget stretch big time. We'd love to tell you more.

Visit, fill in the form and read all about it. We are the only ones who get your info and we will Never, Ever share it. Then give us a call after you've watched the video. This is for real. We love helping others to save as we are doing. And it sure is nice to pull out those gift cards at the check-out instead of our cash or credit cards.

Have a blessed day,
Donna & Stephen

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Soaring Gas Prices Digs Deep into Family Budgets

Beloit native Laurie Schreiber is checking grocery ads much more closely these days for the best bargains. South Beloit resident Anthony Range has changed his driving habits and rarely fills his truck’s gas tank.

Beloit Clark service station owner Raj Patel hears first hand how high gas
prices are and how they are impacting everyday people at the pump and elsewhere.

“It’s extremely high right now and the trend is to keep going higher,” Range said, as he put gas in his truck at the Beloit Clark station on Broad Street. “There’s no more joy driving. It’s just from point A to point B. You’ve got the gas prices combined with the food and utility prices and we need help.”

The far-reaching effects of rising gas prices are becoming clear across the Stateline Area as residents dig deeper into their pockets to pay for their everyday needs, including gas.

To further Range’s point about high food prices, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, the price of food rose 3.6 percent in February, the largest single month increase in 34 years. A good portion of that increase can be attributed to gas prices which now sit about $1 higher than this time last year

The average person or family is paying $1,100 more annually for gas based on today’s gas prices and fuel use of 1,100 gallons of gas per year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. And businesses are in no way escaping the pain at the pump.

For some perspective on how high gas prices are and what their impact is, last year at this time the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.88 in Wisconsin. As of Wednesday, it was $3.97, $3.87 nationally and over $4 a gallon in Illinois. A month ago, it was $3.58, according to Pam Moen, spokesperson for Wisconsin’s AAA Madison office.

You're Paying More for Gas and Food-Ouch!

News Report. You know as baby boomers, we know so many people that are really feeling the crunch. This is getting absolutely insane. When we talk about the potential of saving money, making money, and getting all your groceries with Gift Cards, we are not kidding. It is so great to go shopping and to pull out our gift cards instead of our debit or credit card. 
This may not be a concern for you. However, if it is, or if you know someone who could use some relief and who isn't afraid to talk to others about a great opportunity, contact us. We'd love to share it with you.
Have a blessed day,
Donna/AKA Nana

TAMPA - As the price at the pump continues to rise there's another necessity out there making customers cringe at the register.
"At the grocery store, especially poultry products, the eggs the milk, all of that has increased tremendously," said shopper Nancy Cooley.
Economists say food prices are up nearly seven percent.
Combine that with the high price at the pump and that means the combined costs of food and gas are eating up 15% of Americans total income. That's three percent higher than 2009 at the height of the recession.
Americans are certainly feeling the pinch.
"It's getting so bad that I had to go to work and right now I went for bankruptcy today," said Joanne Oshea of Spring Hill.
"I've noticed in the meat it's gone up extremely high," said Tom Frain of Clearwater.
Economists believe the rise in prices may signal another recession...
The prospect of that has economy weary Americans bracing for the worst.
"We don't know where things are going," said Frain.