Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where's the Highest Prices for Gas? Chicago may Be the Highest...

Some Chicagoans are heading to the suburbs to fill up their tanks, as gas prices continue to climb in the city limits.
According to the latest Lundberg Survey of fuel prices, Chicago has the highest gas prices in the contiguous United States. While the average price of gas reportedly rose by 12 cents in the past two weeks, Chicago is well above the national average--paying about $4.27 per gallon.
Many Chicagoans are paying more than that, however. reports that a Northwest Side BP station is charging $4.69 per regular gallon, and prices remain in the $4.30-$4.50 range throughout much of the city.
“That's why I'm only putting 10-bucks in here and then going up to the suburbs in Lake County and put the rest, that's my plan right now,” Chicagoan Mark Jacobsen told Fox Chicago.
Prices in the suburbs range from $4.07 per gallon at the Costco station in Melrose Park to the $4.20 range in some southwest suburbs, according to
President Obama discussed the issue of high gas prices in his weekly address, and told donors in Los Angeles that prices at the pump have quite an impact on his polling numbers.
"These gas prices are killing you right now," Obama said at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, acknowledging that many Americans can't afford new fuel-efficient cars and must drive older models.. For some, he said, the cost of a fill-up has all but erased the benefit of the payroll tax holiday that he and congressional Republicans agreed on last December.

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God bless,